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Watch Parties

The live event may be in New York City, but the HBA wants to ensure our global community can participate in networking, fun, and inspiration. Woman of the Year Watch Parties are an opportunity for an HBA chapter, region, or Corporate Partner to create a live experience for their local community, providing a space for people to come together, network, and build community while celebrating HBA’s inspiring awardees.  

What does a Watch Party look like?  
A Watch Party is a live event hosted by an HBA chapter or region in collaboration with a sponsor or by an HBA Corporate Partner. The live event includes the opportunity to watch the live simulcast of the event (between 12:00-2:00 PM ET) as a group. Additionally, Watch Party hosts may want to add in time for networking, a brief in-person panel discussion or keynote, or other unique opportunities.  View the 2024 schedule.  

What is the cost, and what are the benefits?  
Access to host a virtual Watch Party costs $750/€692 and includes full access to the virtual 2024 Woman of the Year with no cap on the number of attendees you can invite to your live celebration.  

Watch Parties (and their sponsor/host companies) will also be featured in the event Walk-In slides for all attendees (in New York City and virtually around the globe).  Sponsor companies hosting in collaboration with an HBA chapter/region may also be provided additional sponsorship benefits, such as logo visibility on Watch Party registration pages and marketing materials, verbal acknowledgments from speakers, social media exposure, etc.  

What is the deadline for purchasing a Watch Party?  
Payment must be received by Friday, 19 April. However, interested parties should fill out this form by 1 April to sign up. 

What is necessary to host a Watch Party?  
Hosts are responsible for coordinating their venue, food, beverage, and audio-visual equipment for their virtual Watch Party. Additionally, a hard-wired internet connection is recommended if possible. For HBA chapters and regions, locating an in-kind sponsor to host/cater the event, including purchasing the registration, in return for agreed-upon chapter/regional-level sponsorship benefits are ideal.  

Hosts can incorporate a short panel, speaker(s), or entertainment into their virtual Watch Party. The HBA recommends selecting a speaker(s) to provide a brief, live introduction.  

For the optimal viewing experience, the HBA recommends the following audio/visual equipment onsite: laptop, speakers, projector, and projector screen. A microphone is also recommended for parties with announcements and speakers.  

It is recommended that all watch parties participate in a technology checkpoint hosted by the HBA within the virtual platform before the event to test/troubleshoot video and sound before the main live event. Additional information and an invitation to the technology checkpoint will be sent before the end of April.  

The host will be provided access to the virtual Woman of the Year simulcast to project for the group. Logging into the simulcast will utilize the host’s first name, last name, and email address.  

HBA chapters/regions can choose to set up and collect a registration fee from their participants as a revenue stream.  

The deadline to purchase a Watch Party is 19 April. To sign up to host a Watch Party, fill out this form no later than 1 April.